Musgrove is rich in history and welcomes select groups to become part of that history.  Musgrove was named after Mary Musgrove, a pioneer known as a cultural liaison between colonial and Native American societies, for her peace keeping efforts, entrepreneurship, and land claims to the Sea Islands in Georgia.  

Famous leaders have visited Musgrove. In 1976, President Jimmy Carter held his first pre-inaugural Cabinet meeting here. “Musgroves” – so-called by returning participants – have become vital annual occasions to exchange information, regain energy, open eyes, recommit and, most exciting of all, turn emergent ideas into successful action. The name of the estate has become synonymous with thoughtful gatherings that discuss issues of topical interest and social importance.

Musgrove’s serene and picturesque environment provides a respite from the outside world, offering guests a unique opportunity for group discussion, debate, learning and planning.  The natural and unforgettable setting readily facilitates the development of relationships between participants and encourages the creative focus on core issues.


“Such a picturesque beautiful estate” -- Anatoly Chernyaev, national security advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev

 “Marvelously stimulating discussions in idyllic surroundings” – Professor Fredrik Logevall, Harvard University

“This spectacular place is where President Carter assembled his Cabinet for the first time before Inauguration Day, so we are meeting like presidents” – Tom Blanton, director, National Security Archive, George Washington University

“The Musgrove staff did their usual flawless job come conference time” – Professor James Blight, Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo

“Wonderfully informal and conducive to candor” – Ambassador Thomas Pickering

“I can’t think of a better place to take a break from Washington” – Rose Gottemoeller, Undersecretary of State, Obama administration

“Musgrove provides an idyllic meeting center. Its informal setting encourages candid exchange. Its delightful accommodations provide a wonderful contrast tosterile hotel conferences. I recommend it highly.” Roger Hickey, Co-founder Campaign for America's Future

”Musgrove rocks. It has provided the space and support for meetings that have launched new organizations, new campaigns, and new ideas. It is almost as ifit were designed to encourage the exchange of ideas, the spark of new thinking.” Robert Borosage, President Institute for America's Future.


Advocacy Institute

Analyzing foreign policy issues and exploring options for policy change

Center for Community Change

Discussing implications of US housing crisis

Johns Hopkins University

Discussing Cuban-American relations

Commission on US-Latin American Politics, International Center for Development Policy

Assessing the political climate of El Salvador

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs

Developing strategies to strengthen the electoral process in Panama

National Security Archive

Briefing on Cuba for journalists covering US-Cuba issues

Youth Project

Evaluating the effectiveness of previous voter participation projects and discussing strategies for the future

The Carter Center

Facilitating the process of reopening a dialogue between US and Cuba

Democracy Project

Discussing the role of special interest money in politics and necessary reforms

Center for Responsive Politics

Briefing for journalists on the role of special interest money in politics

Religious Action Center, Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Determining the role of the American Jewish community in the Middle East peace process

Center for Responsive Politics

Briefing for journalists on the role of special interest money in politics

Cuban-American Committee Research and Education Fund

Discussing issues of US-Cuba relations by Cubans and second-generation Cuban-Americans

Partnership for Democracy

Redefining national priorities in the ‘90s and launching a campaign to cut the defense budget

Center for a New Democracy, Tides Foundation

Strengthening and reforming the US electoral system

The Other Economic Summit

Understanding the implications of Bush’s Enterprise for the Americas Initiative on environment and free trade

Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies

Analyzing the UN’s role in the post-Cold War period on peace-keeping

Drug Policy Foundation

Educating journalists on drug policy issues relating to legalization and foreign policy

Women’s Legal Defense Fund

Formulating an agenda on women’s issues for Congress and the new Administration

World Policy Institute, New School for Social Research

Examining American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era

The Interfaith Alliance

Discussing how mainstream and progressive people of faith should respond to the growing influence of the religious right

Economic Policy Institute

Organizing progressive organizing strategies around domestic economic policy

Center for a New Democracy

Meeting to discuss public policy options for campaign finance reform at the state level

Center for community Change

Staff retreat on a strategic five-year plan

Center for Public Integrity

A seminar for members of the press on the financing of presidential campaigns

Institute for Public Policy Advocacy

Facilitating an advocacy workshop to strengthen the long-term capacity of the organization working on US-Cuba policy

The 2030 Center

Defining a progressive economic policy agenda for young people

Mercy Corps International

Convening a conference to formulate a coalition of nongovernmental organizations interested in establishing a humanitarian aid network in North Korea

Brown University, Watson Institute of International Studies

Reviewing the failed Cuban exile invasion at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961

Center for Community Change

Discussing the Center’s work in the context of federal budget cuts

National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice

Developing the grassroots component of a national campaign to improve working conditions in the poultry industry

Labor Council for Latin American Advancement

Discussing Hispanic issues and empowerment strategies

Mercy Corps International

Sustaining a humanitarian aid network to North Korea

National Security Archive Fund

Working on current historical and political controversies surrounding the end of the Cold War and the collapse of communism

American University, Washington College of Law

Convening members of the Washington College of Law's DC Voting Rights Project

The Albert Einstein Institution

To help focus attention on a set of key problem areas confronted by movements of nonviolent struggle, and to share new insights among nonviolent activists and scholars

Earth Day Network

Planning a timeline and key activities for Earth Day 2000

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation

Bringing together key leaders of the anti-death penalty movement to strategize on next steps to expand public education and debate

Common Cause Education Fund

Strategizing and identifying common goals and effective advocacy tools to strengthen the campaign reform effort

Harvard Law School

Discussing the prospects for more effective multiracial coalitions

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy

Bringing together journalists on the issue of economic development and current reform issues

World Order Models Project

Deepening efforts in Mexico and North America on economic development issues

Global Green

Discussing biological weapons

National Labor Committee

Meeting to reinvigorate the anti-sweatshop movement

Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy/Good Jobs First

Promoting more sophisticated and balanced media coverage on reform issues in the field of economic development

Pastoral Leadership Institute

Meeting of concerned Catholic leaders on the issue of the sexual abuse crisis

Search for Common Ground

Planning and designing a meeting to support the launching of a global Marshall plan

Center for Digital Democracy

A seminar on media concentration titled, “Building a Movement for Democratic Media in the Digital Age.”

Search for Common Ground

Organizing a seminar on launching a new global Marshall plan

Youth Vote Coalition

Discussing strategies for increasing the youth vote in 2004

National Security Archive Fund

Discussing the transparency of international financial institutions

Mercy Corps

Discussing the future of U.S. relations with North Korea

Women’s Edge

Strategizing around upcoming opportunities presented by Beijing +10, the G7 summit, and the UN Millennium Development Goals Summit

Common Cause Education Fund

Developing a cohesive, proactive agenda toward a democratic U.S. media policy

Center for International Policy

Organizing leaders of the U.S.-Cuba travel policy debate

Brown University

Examining the impact of the Kennedy-Johnson presidential transition on U.S. foreign and defense policy surround the Vietnam War and the historic implications for the current situation in Iraq

Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Foundation

Developing a multi-state initiative strategy that creates momentum around progressive policies

Washington Office on Latin America

Outlining a forward-looking U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America

Pax Christi USA-Catholic Alliance for the Common Good

Refining principles for a reinvigorated Catholic social justice movement

Common Cause Education Fund

Strategizing next steps to elevate the issue of public funding of Congressional candidates

Center for Progressive Leadership

Supporting the New Organizing Institute Education Fund and independent voices in the blogosphere

Taxpayers for Common Sense

Discussing challenges posed by current dominant practices and trends in government contracting

Corporate Accountability International

Launching a coordinated global effort to challenge corporate control of water

Brown University - Watson Institute

Exploring US-Iran relations during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s and its modern impact

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good

Coordinating the Catholic social justice movement's media and field strategy

Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Maximizing job opportunities in the US and rebuilding the economy on a foundation of renewable energy and conservation

Air Traffic Control Education Fund

Examining how the music community can have a sustained foot inside of the mechanics of getting effective policy work done

Foundation for National Progress - the Media Consortium

Conceiving how progressive media can help set the tone for a strong economic agenda.

National People's Action

Discussing the next phase of the movement to advance financial reform.

National Security Archive Fund

“Talking with Castro: Precedent and Potential for Diplomatic Dialogue between the United States and Cuba.”

National Security Archive Fund

"Kobar Towers: How the June 1996 Attack on U.S. Military Personnel Nearly Led to a U.S.-Iran War, and Huanted Efforts to Improve U.S.-Iran Relations."